Guest card: non-resident landowners Mürren & Gimmelwald, overnight guests of the rest of the Jungfrau Region, valley residents & seasonal employees with valley resident card
Goldencard: Holiday guests Mürren & Gimmelwald
Admission to the Alpine Spa also includes access to the swimming pool & outdoor whirlpool.
You are also welcome to order various vouchers for all areas from us and print them out right at home.
You can find more info here.
Single entry
Normal price
Guest card
Indoor Pool Adults
Pool Kids 6 - 16 J.
Pool + Whirlpool Adults
Pool + Whirlpool Kids (12+)
Alpine Spa
Alpine Spa Late Entry
Fitness + Spa
CHF 13.00
CHF 7.00
CHF 19.00
CHF 13.00
CHF 21.00
CHF 36.00
CHF 27.00
CHF 47.00
CHF 11.00
CHF 6.00
CHF 17.00
CHF 12.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 33.00
CHF 24.00
CHF 44.00
CHF 6.00
CHF 6.00
CHF 18.00
CHF 33.00
CHF 24.00
CHF 44.00
6 Months
Full year
Fitness Package
(Gym, Hallenbad Whirlpool Eisbahn)
Wellness Package
(Hallenbad, Whirlpool, Alpine Spa)
All in One-Package
CHF 400.00
CHF 500.00
CHF 600.00
CHF 700.00
CHF 800.00
CHF 1000.00
Normal price
Guest card
Single entry adults
Single entry children
11-er subscription adults
11-ticket children
Curling rink rental for 1 hr.
CHF 12.00
CHF 7.00
CHF 120.00
CHF 70.00
CHF 80.00
CHF 10.00
CHF 6.00
CHF 100.00
CHF 60.00
CHF 75.00
CHF 75.00
Fun curling / curling from 3 persons: CHF 30.00 per person and hour
Swimming Pool
Single Entry Adults
CHF 13 / CHF 11/ Free
Single Entry Child 6 - 16 J.
CHF 7/ CHF 6/ Free
Pool + Whirlpool Adults
CHF 19/ CHF 17/ CHF 6
Pool + Whirlpool Kid (12+)
CHF 13/ CHF 12/ CHF 6
CHF 17/ CHF 15/ CHF 15
Alpine Spa
CHF 36/ CHF 33/ CHF 33
Alpine Spa Late Entry
CHF 27/ CHF 24/ CHF 24
Fitness + Spa
CHF 47/ CHF 44/ CHF 44
Fitness Package (Gym, Hallenbad Whirlpool Eisbahn)
6 Months CHF 400
1 Year CHF 700
Wellness Package (Hallenbad, Whirlpool, Alpine Spa)
6 Months CHF 500
1 Year CHF 800
All in One Package
6 Months CHF 600
1 Year CHF 1000
Ice rink & curling
Single Entry Adults
CHF 12 / CHF 10/ Kostenlos
Single Entry Children
CHF 7 / CHF 6/ Kostenlos
11-er subscibtion Adults
CHF 120/ CHF 100/ Kostenlos
11-er subscibtion Children
CHF 70/ CHF 60/ Kostenlos
Cürling Rink-rent for 1 hr.
CHF 80/ CHF 75/ CHF 75
Plauschcurling / Eisstockschiessen from 3 persons: CHF 30.00 per person per hr.